
In a groundbreaking initiative, Unity Queens - a coalition of dedicated Queenmothers - has been equipping young people with comprehensive reproductive health education. Recognizing the Queenmothers' unique position as community leaders, UNFPA provided training through the CUBE Convo program, enabling them to facilitate sensitive conversations around sexual and reproductive health.

With their newfound skills, the Queenmothers have made remarkable strides. Over the past year, they have successfully engaged young girls in their communities, addressing complex SRH topics in languages the girls understand and appreciate. This approach has fostered a culture of trust and openness, empowering young people to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. A notable outcome of this initiative has been the increased reporting of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases. As trusted community leaders, the Queenmothers have created a safe and supportive environment, encouraging young girls to speak out against GBV. This significant increase in reporting demonstrates the effectiveness of the Unity Queens initiative in promoting youth empowerment and GBV prevention.